5 Unique Fence Landscaping Ideas You Should Consider For Your Commercial Outdoors

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A Family Room Designed for Fun

In a few, short months, I’m building a family room onto my house. When the construction is complete, I’ll have both a formal living room and a casual family room. I want to make my family room a fun place for everyone to hang out in. I plan to buy a comfortable couch and a couple of oversized chairs to put in the room. My husband is also interested in mounting a large-screen television on the wall in this new space. One side of the room will be dedicated to exercise. I’ll be placing my treadmill, elliptical trainer, and stationary bike on this side of the room. To add interest to the space, I’m purchasing some whimsical wall hangings. On this blog, I hope you will discover some stress-free tips for designing a family room. Enjoy!


5 Unique Fence Landscaping Ideas You Should Consider For Your Commercial Outdoors

27 March 2023
 Categories: , Blog

When it comes to commercial outdoor landscaping, fences can play a major role in creating an attractive and secure environment. From providing privacy and security to identifying your property boundaries, fences can be practical and aesthetically pleasing. So, if you're looking for creative ways to spruce up your commercial outdoors, consult a credible designer and consider some of these unique fence landscaping ideas. Here are five ideas to get you started:

Decorative Fence Toppers

When it comes to making your commercial outdoors look unique and inviting, decorative fence toppers are a great option. Choose from various styles such as crowns, circles, and diamonds for a truly eye-catching look. You can even have them custom-made in any color or material to suit your space. If you're looking for a more subtle approach, you can also opt for simple metal or wood fence toppers.

Grapevine Fencing

For an outdoor commercial space with a classic and rustic feel, grapevine fencing is an ideal choice. It adds texture and visual interest while also providing a natural boundary that's sure to draw attention. Your designer can help you explore the various options available and create a grapevine fence that complements your space. For instance, you could choose to install grape vines along a metal frame or create an entire wall out of them.

Wooden Baskets

If you prefer a modern look, wooden baskets are an ideal choice for commercial outdoor fencing. These baskets can be designed in any size and shape to suit your space while also providing an attractive and unique barrier that will help keep unwanted visitors out. You can even have them custom-made to match the style of your facility and add a touch of sophistication to your outdoor space.

Living Walls

For an eco-friendly and stylish fencing option, consider installing a living wall. This is essentially a vertical garden made up of various plants, such as vines, shrubs, and herbs. Not only does it provide a beautiful natural boundary for your property, but it can also help to filter air and provides a habitat for wildlife. Your designer can help you select the right plants to ensure your living wall is aesthetically pleasing and beneficial to the environment.

Vine-Covered Fencing

Finally, for a lush and inviting look in your commercial outdoors, consider vine-covered fencing. The fencing idea involves installing a trellis or fence and then training various climbing vines to grow over it. These vines can create a stunning and unique display while also providing privacy.

Always consult a professional designer before attempting to install any type of fence landscaping in your commercial outdoors. The designer can help you identify the best options for your space and ensure the fence is properly installed. Contact a local fence designer today and start exploring these unique fence landscaping ideas.