Why Guests Should Enter Your Home Through Public Spaces, Not Private

About Me
A Family Room Designed for Fun

In a few, short months, I’m building a family room onto my house. When the construction is complete, I’ll have both a formal living room and a casual family room. I want to make my family room a fun place for everyone to hang out in. I plan to buy a comfortable couch and a couple of oversized chairs to put in the room. My husband is also interested in mounting a large-screen television on the wall in this new space. One side of the room will be dedicated to exercise. I’ll be placing my treadmill, elliptical trainer, and stationary bike on this side of the room. To add interest to the space, I’m purchasing some whimsical wall hangings. On this blog, I hope you will discover some stress-free tips for designing a family room. Enjoy!


Why Guests Should Enter Your Home Through Public Spaces, Not Private

22 November 2022
 Categories: , Blog

The layout of both public and private spaces in your custom home is a key part of ensuring that it's comfortable, welcoming, and practical. And this starts with designing a home where visitors arrive in the public areas rather than private ones. What does this mean? And why does it matter? Here's what you need to know for a great house floor plan. 

What Are the Public and Private Spaces?

Modern houses contain three categories of spaces: public, private, and semi-private. The public areas are where you would normally entertain visitors — the foyer, living room, and main bathroom, for instance — and private areas include bedrooms, offices, and family bathrooms. Semi-private rooms are spaces where well-known visitors are invited further into the home, such as the kitchen or backyard entertainment area. 

In general, the best way to use these categories is to place the most public spaces near the front of the home and gradually move toward the most private areas in the back of the house. This means visitors are greeted in public areas and only earn the right to advance to private spaces as they are invited further. 

Why Should Guests Enter Public Spaces?

Why does it matter where guests enter the home? First, it protects your family's privacy. Bedrooms, workspaces, and private bathrooms are meant to be havens — which requires that they feel sacrosanct and protected from the world. You can't do this if everyone who comes in the house — even strangers — walks through or past your bedrooms, home office, or family room. 

Second, guests may feel uneasy and intrusive when they enter through what are clearly private spaces, especially on their first or early visits. Traipsing through the family room or walking past people getting ready in the bathrooms puts people in an uncomfortable position. It may dissuade them from returning or create negative first impressions. 

Finally, designating public areas and private rooms reduces your work and stress. You don't have to harangue the family to clean up their personal spaces if you want to have a dinner party. Kids can play in rooms away from entertainment areas without bothering guests. And many families can keep formal, public rooms clean much easier so they're ready to greet visitors at any time. 

Where Should You Start?

Start finding the best layout for your public and private rooms by meeting with an experienced custom homes designer in your area. With their guidance, you'll soon have a floor plan and room designs that make a comfortable and happy environment for everyone. 

Contact a contractor for more information about custom homes