5 Tips To Maximize The Impact Of Large Windows

About Me
A Family Room Designed for Fun

In a few, short months, I’m building a family room onto my house. When the construction is complete, I’ll have both a formal living room and a casual family room. I want to make my family room a fun place for everyone to hang out in. I plan to buy a comfortable couch and a couple of oversized chairs to put in the room. My husband is also interested in mounting a large-screen television on the wall in this new space. One side of the room will be dedicated to exercise. I’ll be placing my treadmill, elliptical trainer, and stationary bike on this side of the room. To add interest to the space, I’m purchasing some whimsical wall hangings. On this blog, I hope you will discover some stress-free tips for designing a family room. Enjoy!


5 Tips To Maximize The Impact Of Large Windows

15 July 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Large or picture windows are a great asset to any home. They maximize your enjoyment of views and form a centerpiece to the room. But how can you maximize the beauty and impact of large windows?

Here are a few custom interior design tips to try.

1. Don't Block Views

The first step to enhancing a large window can be one of the most difficult: don't block the view. Because it takes up a significant portion of a wall, a large window makes furniture arrangement a challenge everywhere else. It also means you may be limited in furniture height. However, it's worth the effort to find creative ways to avoid covering up this asset. 

2. Frame It

Picture windows, in particular, can be treated as a large canvas of art on your wall. Frame them with dramatic window treatments or oversize seating areas around the perimeter. Create a furniture grouping that focuses attention on the window. Or use traffic patterns to help guests discover it in a surprising way. 

3. Leave Viewing Space

Invite guests and family members to come to enjoy the large window by leaving the immediate area open and accessible. Many homeowners tend to place all their furniture against walls, but this may minimize the impact of beautiful windows. Move that furniture away from the window wall and create unobstructed paths for people to stand in front of it. 

4. Use Their Appeal

People are naturally drawn to a beautiful window and the views beyond it. Can you use this organic interest to draw attention to other interesting things in the room? You might complement windows with large and fascinating artworks or sculptures. Place your favorite item of antique furniture below the window. Or draw attention upward by displaying your own artwork above the window. Use this opportunity. 

5. Integrate the Decor

What's going on outside the window? How can you use it as inspiration for interior design? Think of big windows as wallpaper for the room. Can you include patterns, motifs, colors, textures, and other elements from the outside world in your interior decorating? The result will be a cohesion that extends to your entire property and brings the outdoors closer to guests. 

Where to Start

Ready to start making the most of any window in your home? Begin by consulting with a skilled custom interior design service in your area. By harnessing their expertise and your vision, the result will be an amazing addition to any room.

Call today to make an appointment or get answers to your questions.