The 3 Design Professionals Every Custom Home Builder Needs To Hire

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A Family Room Designed for Fun

In a few, short months, I’m building a family room onto my house. When the construction is complete, I’ll have both a formal living room and a casual family room. I want to make my family room a fun place for everyone to hang out in. I plan to buy a comfortable couch and a couple of oversized chairs to put in the room. My husband is also interested in mounting a large-screen television on the wall in this new space. One side of the room will be dedicated to exercise. I’ll be placing my treadmill, elliptical trainer, and stationary bike on this side of the room. To add interest to the space, I’m purchasing some whimsical wall hangings. On this blog, I hope you will discover some stress-free tips for designing a family room. Enjoy!


The 3 Design Professionals Every Custom Home Builder Needs To Hire

20 September 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If you would like to build a custom home, then it's important you understand there are many different people you will need to hire to assist you. Obviously you will need to hire a building contractor, but there are also design professionals you need to hire as well.

Listed below are the three designers required to get your home from an idea in your head to a place where your family will live:

1. An Architect

Unless you are purchasing a standard set of plans for your new home, you will need to have it designed by an architect. The architect you hire will listen to your desires and then design you a custom home based upon them. 

Once you and your architect decide on the final design of the home, then a draftsman will need to draw up the plans to build it. A set of plans is necessary for your building contractor to give you an accurate quote for the costs associated with building the structure.

2. An Interior Designer

While a building contractor is perfectly capable of erecting your new home and getting it to the point where it is legal to inhabit, home builders don't do any interior design work. Most builders won't even give you an opinion on whether you should install granite or quartz countertops in your kitchen and bathrooms. They will bring in a subcontractor to install whatever materials you choose, but the contractor isn't going to get into the design aspects of your home. To fill this void, you need to hire an interior designer.

When you hire a designer, you will sit down together and have custom interior design consultation appointments where you can share your vision for what you want your finished home to look like. The designer will use this information and their own professional knowledge to formulate a design plan for the interior of your house.

3. A Landscape Designer

Last, but certainly not least, no custom home is ever complete without having its outdoor space professionally landscaped. Even if you are building in the middle of a pine forest or desert and plan to take advantage of the natural landscape, the lot will need professional landscaping after all of the building crews and their vehicles have been onsite.

Landscaping a property from scratch isn't usually a DIY job unless you are a professional landscape designer. Since you probably aren't, this is the final design professional you will need to hire when custom building a home.

For more information on custom home services like custom interior design consultations, contact a company in your area like Interiors By Janet.