Designing A Hospital Interior For Better, Overall Health: What This Means

About Me
A Family Room Designed for Fun

In a few, short months, I’m building a family room onto my house. When the construction is complete, I’ll have both a formal living room and a casual family room. I want to make my family room a fun place for everyone to hang out in. I plan to buy a comfortable couch and a couple of oversized chairs to put in the room. My husband is also interested in mounting a large-screen television on the wall in this new space. One side of the room will be dedicated to exercise. I’ll be placing my treadmill, elliptical trainer, and stationary bike on this side of the room. To add interest to the space, I’m purchasing some whimsical wall hangings. On this blog, I hope you will discover some stress-free tips for designing a family room. Enjoy!


Designing A Hospital Interior For Better, Overall Health: What This Means

20 February 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Nurses and doctors face the most stress of any other profession. They work hours that most people could not possibly work, and they do it all in an environment devoid of natural light and fresh air. It is not surprising then, that most medical professionals have more physical and mental health problems. Taking all of the above into consideration, you might want to look into commercial interior design that focuses on the health and well-being of your medical and nursing staff when building your next hospital. Here is what that looks like.

More Windows for Natural Light

Every hallway and every room should have access to natural light. Skylights can be built into the topmost floors of the building to deliver light to those hallways and rooms. The bulk of the building can be positioned such that all of the hospital windows and skylights face east-west for maximum sun. If you are able, incorporate solariums on each floor and each wing of the hospital for staff and patients to sit and soak up the sun.

Solar Light Boxes and Bulbs for Areas Where a Window Is Not Feasible

There may still be a few areas in the new hospital where a window is not feasible. In these areas, you need something that will accurately mimic sunlight. Use solar light boxes on the walls, and light bulbs that mimic sunlight. This provides everything your staff need to keep their circadian rhythms in step, prevent depression, stay calm, and provide them with natural energy boosts to keep going to the ends of their shifts.

Bright, Happy Colors

Hospitals are often associated with sterility, and blank whiteness. The truth is, those days are gone. More and more hospitals realize that a lack of color is depressing for both patients and staff. Since paint cannot and does not carry any pathogen, germ, or virus that can harm anyone, do not shy away from using bright happy colors on the walls of your hospitals. Better yet, paint murals here and there that beautify your hospital and provide a visual escape from the surroundings. It keeps staff morale up and provides everyone with something on which to meditate during down time.

Ergonomic Furniture

Nurses eventually sit down to chart. When they do, provide them with ergonomic furniture that helps comfort and revitalize their bodies. Doctors on call sleep in bunk rooms. Provide them with mattresses that allow them to sleep and regenerate effectively. Then they can jump up at a moment's notice and feel ready to go.